2023-08-18T04:53:40-04:00December 23rd, 2019|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DATE: 12-20-2019 CONTACT: Phil DeCologero Amesbury Chamber of Commerce and Industrial Foundation 5 Market Square Amesbury, MA 01913 978.388.3178 [email protected] www.amesburychamber.com   DYNAMIC BALANCE, DYNAMIC NEW SPACE   AMESBURY – Surrounded by family, friends, and clients, Michelle Baker’s beaming smile grew only wider as she was joined [...]

Amesbury Carriage Museum Receives Major Donation from the Institution for Savings Charitable Foundation

2021-01-06T01:49:00-05:00November 27th, 2019|

  Amesbury Carriage Museum (ACM) Contact: John Mayer, Executive Director [email protected] (978) 834-5058   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – November 26, 2019   Amesbury Carriage Museum Receives Major Donation from the Institution for Savings Charitable Foundation   The Institution for Savings Charitable Foundation has awarded $25,000 to the Amesbury Carriage Museum [...]

A Deep Dive On Plastic Bag Bans

2019-11-08T09:13:54-05:00November 8th, 2019|

Each year, it’s estimated that here in Massachusetts alone, consumers go through more than 2 billion plastic bags per year! Many of them end up as litter in our waterways, stuck in trees, or clogging storm drains. The vast remainder ends up in incinerators or landfills, while a small percentage [...]